Bacteria Cause Infections
Bacterial Infections May Be Deadly
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends testing for total coliform and e. coli bacteria to determine the presence of organisms that cause deadly diseases.
Bacteria defined:
Bacteria are microscopic, one-celled organisms. Bacteria typically originate in feces and enter a water supply from septic tanks, sewage, livestock pens, or surface drainage. Bacteria are the main water quality problem for well water systems.
When does Bacteria cause infection?
Fecal coliform bacteria are mainly found in potable water from wells. This is mainly due to the fact private well systems are not required to be tested. Residents who drink non-chlorinated water (from wells), and/or having free-standing aeration systems are at elevated risk to bacterial contamination. Water treatment with GAC (Granular Activated Charcoal) may also contribute to bacteria problems.
Bacteria related problems:
Fecal coliform bacteria leads to diseases like typhoid fever and cholera. Fecal coliform bacteria contamination also leads to hepatitis and dysentery. There are various symptoms associated with bacterial contamination including: digestive problems, fever, nausea, diarrhea and cramps.
To determine if you have bacteria problems:
Testing is essential and we offer testing of water samples taken from your home with certified results.